Project 1: Residential Final Drawing Set
We were contracted to prepare the working drawings/construction drawings for a single-family residence for a family of five with the following program requirements:
1. The house is to be energy star compliant
2. The building is to be sited for active and passive solar gain and shaded in summer
3. The house is to be two stories over unfinished basement with a gas fireplace/chimney and an attached two-car garage
4. The whole house is to be ADA accessible
5. One Limited Use/ Limited Application (LULA) elevator in addition to stairs
6. Ramp with landing to each exterior entrance
7. Pitched Roof
8. Site Plan (Select one of the adjoining sites in Brightspace) – Positive Drainage, Driveway, Walkways, Patio and a Septic System.
9. The property is in a residential zoning category that requires a maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R) of 0.25 and the following minimum building setbacks from the property lines to the exterior walls of the building:
a. Front Yard = 40’-0”
b. Each Side Yard = 20’-0
c. Rear Yard = 50’-0”
Project 2: Team Service Learning Existing Condition Final Drawing Set
This is a service learning team project to prepare a set of as- built/existing condition drawings and propose energy-efficient upgrades for the Roe Tavern.
This building was of great importance during the American Revolution. It was moved from its original location in the 1930s and now the Town has purchased it and is going to move it back about a mile to close to its original location.
SmartBuild Training Center Field Trip Report
The E3 SmartBuild Training Center is a United Way facility that contains a sample house used for training programs such as YouthBuild and Vet sBuild. We will be touring this facility to learn about building techniques focusing on energy efficiency. Green building and weatherization.